
Vojtěch Oram foto

My name is Vojtěch Oram and I'm programmer, currently participating at building a startup company Leadspicker.com. Besides programming I take interest in dragons, MLP:FiM and reading.

I'm also known under nickname Flaiming.


Programming is my job and hobby. I'm specializing on web applications, especially in Python (Django). I'm testing affiliate marketing on my ChciDraky.cz and running e-shop with dragon calendar by artists from Draci.info. Besides that I sometimes tinker a bit with Arduino and ESP8260 microcontrollers. You can find most of my projects on GitHub, I try to make them open source as much as possible.
You can find more information about my professional skills on my LinkedIn profile.


I like to play with electronics (like ESP8266 and ESP32) and with 3D printing. I'm creating models in OpenSCAD and publishing them at the Thingiverse


I'm not "real" dragon, but very fond of them. It all started at year 2004 when I stumbled upon a discussion about dragons on website of fantasy magazine Pevnost (now availible only at pevnost.draci.info). Dragons really catched my eye and mind so I decided to create website for publishing articles about dragons, that started to emerge from this discussion. That is origin of website DragonFlame and besides other thing it forewhadowed my future as a programmer.

Time was passing and my interest about dragons was growing even more and I created another website dedicated to dragons - Draci.info. There is quite big community around it, consisting of dragon lovers, draconologists and dragons themselves. I'm still figuring there as admin. 

I'm currently working on website which sums up all buyable dragon stuff  - ChciDraky.cz.


I'm fan of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic series. The creators of this series did something truly remarkable - they made show for little girls interesting for adult guys too. Whether is it because of kombination of beautiful graphics, animation, another series references of voice actors, I don't know. But it works.

Considering Czech bronies didn't have their own website for some time, I decided to take charge and created  Bronies.cz.


What I like most is fantasy and sci-fi literature (I don't count manuals). There are some authors that I like more than others, for example Douglas Adams (Hitchhikers guide to galaxy), Jiří Kulhánk (Noční klub, Cesta krve, Divocí a zlí), Stanislav Lem (The Cyberiad), Naomi Novik (Temeraire series), Terry Pratchett (all), J.R.R. Tolkien (Hobit, LotR) and Orson Scott Card (Ender's game serie).